Notes about Selected Short Essay

I decided to add a new category in this blog that is "Selected Short Essay". The aim is simple, to publish my essay assignments on the web. It ranges from environmental issues, development issues, until tourism-leisure issues. Perhaps you will find something interesting, or even rubbish :p.

You can have it for personal and non-commercial uses (nevertheless, education/information is for all isn't it?). However, I really don't recommend you to use these essay, or even cite it, for your academic work (essay, paper, etc). The problem of citing these essay as your source is simple, how are you going to refer to it? Of course you also have option to give no citation/reference. Then it means you are a plagiat by so doing. And you know that plagiarism is an unforgiven sin hahahahhaha :). Respect others, respect yourself :).

Comments and discussions, instead, are warmly and eagerly welcome. You can say anything freely and then we can engage in an interesting opinion exchange :).

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pranala Situs Beasiswa

Panduan Singkat
Daftar ini berisi informasi beasiswa Inggris (Chevening), Belanda (NFP, Stuned, Huygen), Australia (ADS), Erasmus Mundus, Amerika (Fullbright), IFP-Ford Foundation, Depdiknas, dan Depkominfo. Tentu masih terdapat banyak informasi beasiswa selain tersebut diatas. Untuk informasi tambahan tersebut, silahkan googling.

A. Beasiswa terkait negara tempat belajar:

1. Inggris: (Chevening, dan varian-variannya) atau

Cakupan: S2
Application Deadline 2010/11
Open - 01/10/2009
Closed - 31/12/2009

Ms. Rowena Rompas (rowena[dot]rompas[at]britishcouncil[dot]or[dot]id)
British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Phone number: +62 21 515 5561
Fax number : +62 21 515 5562

2. Belanda: (StuNed, NFP, Huygens)

Cakupan: S2 (NFP juga menyakup jenjang S3)
Deadlines: sekitar Januari-Maret tahun yang bersangkutan (cek situs diatas).

Ms. Siska Aprilanti (siska[dot]aprilianti[at]nesoindonesia[dot]or[dot]id)
Neso Indonesia
Menara Jamsostek 20th floor
Jl. Gatot Subroto no.38
Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
Tel: +62 (21) 5290 2172
Fax: +62 (21) 5290 2173
(di Surabaya juga ada, tapi tolong cari sendiri ya, usaha dikit lah hehehe)

3. Australia: (ADS)

Cakupan: S2 & S3
Deadline: 4 September 2009

Ms. Dwi Sakti Andriyanti
Wira Usaha Building 2nd floor.
JL. H.R. Rasuna Said kav.C-5 Kuningan,
Jakarta Selatan 12940, Indonesia
Phone number : +62 21 527 7648
Fax number : +62 21 527 7649

4. Eropa & UK: (Erasmus Mundus)

Cakupan: S2
Deadline: bervariasi tergantung program (cek masing-masing konsorsium)

Kontak: langsung ke konsorsium (atau universitas) masing-masing.

5. Amerika: (Fullbright)

Deadline: umumnya 31 Mei (cek di situs diatas)

Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt. 6
Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720
Phone: (021) 345-2016
Fax: (021) 345-2050

B. Beasiswa tidak terkait negara tempat belajar:

1. The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP)

Cakupan: S2 & S3
Deadline: 31 Agustus (Formulir pra-registrasi, alias seleksi awal)

2. Depdiknas (khusus dosen PTN, PTS & DPK)

Cakupan: S1-S3
Deadline: sekitar november (cek situs diatas)

Direktur Ketenagaan
Gedung D Lantai 5 Komplek Depdiknas
Jalan Jenderal Soedirman Pintu I - Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Telp./Faks : (021) 57946052/53

3. Depkominfo (umum)

Cakupan: S2 & S3
Deadline: sekitar Februari (cek situs diatas)

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Replublik Indonesia
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No.9 Jakarta
Telp. 021 - 3842526

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